Surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is an important legal document that is used to authorize someone to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder. This type of power of attorney is commonly used in Indonesia, especially when a person is unable to open a bank account due to illness, injury, or travel abroad.


Surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is a legal document that authorizes someone to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder. This document is usually used when the account holder is unable to open a bank account due to illness, injury, or travel abroad. The document is signed by the account holder and notarized by a notary public.


The main function of surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is to authorize someone to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder. This document is also used to protect the account holder’s interests by ensuring that the person authorized to open the account is trustworthy and will act in the account holder’s best interests.


The purpose of surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is to provide a legal framework for opening a bank account on behalf of the account holder. This document ensures that the account holder’s interests are protected and that the person authorized to open the account is trustworthy and will act in the account holder’s best interests.


The format of surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is similar to other legal documents. The document should include the following information:

  • The name and address of the account holder
  • The name and address of the person authorized to open the account
  • The purpose of the account
  • The type of account to be opened
  • The amount of money to be deposited
  • The signature of the account holder
  • The signature of the notary public


Here are two examples of surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan:

Contoh 1


Dengan ini saya, Ni Luh Putu, warga negara Indonesia, dengan ini memberikan kuasa kepada Bapak I Wayan Sudiarta untuk membuka rekening tabungan atas nama saya di Bank BCA Cabang Denpasar.

Rekening tersebut untuk keperluan pembayaran tagihan listrik dan telepon.

Demikian surat kuasa ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan dengan kesadaran penuh tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun.

Denpasar, 1 Februari 2021

Yang memberikan kuasa,

Ni Luh Putu

Contoh 2


Dengan ini saya, Ahmad Firdaus, warga negara Indonesia, memberikan kuasa kepada Ibu Siti Rahmawati untuk membuka rekening tabungan atas nama saya di Bank Mandiri Cabang Bandung.

Rekening tersebut untuk menyimpan hasil penjualan mobil saya.

Demikian surat kuasa ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan dengan kesadaran penuh tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun.

Bandung, 1 Februari 2021

Yang memberikan kuasa,

Ahmad Firdaus


Here are some frequently asked questions about surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan:

What is surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan?

Surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is a legal document that authorizes someone to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder.

When is surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan used?

This document is usually used when the account holder is unable to open a bank account due to illness, injury, or travel abroad.

Who can be authorized to open a bank account?

Any trusted person can be authorized to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder.


Surat kuasa pembuatan buku tabungan is an important legal document that is used to authorize someone to open a bank account on behalf of the account holder. This document ensures that the account holder’s interests are protected and that the person authorized to open the account is trustworthy and will act in the account holder’s best interests.