Surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is a formal letter sent by the Department of Transportation to notify individuals, businesses, and organizations about upcoming changes, events, or regulations related to transportation. This article aims to provide an informal guide to understand what this letter is, its functions, purposes, format, and examples.


Surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is a letter sent by the Department of Transportation to inform about transportation-related matters. It can be about changes in regulations, schedules, routes, or any other relevant information that the department needs to communicate to the public. This letter is usually sent to individuals or organizations that are directly or indirectly affected by the transportation issue.


The primary function of surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is to inform the public about any transportation-related changes or events that are about to occur. This letter can also be used to request cooperation from the public and to provide guidance on how to comply with the new regulations or schedules. By sending this letter, the Department of Transportation can ensure that the public is aware of the changes that are happening and can plan accordingly.


The main purpose of surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is to ensure that the public is informed about any transportation-related changes or events that are about to occur. This letter aims to minimize confusion and disruptions that may arise due to the lack of information. Additionally, this letter can be used to request cooperation from the public and to ensure that the new regulations or schedules are implemented in a smooth and efficient manner.


The format of surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is usually formal, with a clear and concise language. The letter should include the following elements:

  • Letterhead: The letterhead should include the name and logo of the Department of Transportation.
  • Date: The date when the letter is sent.
  • Recipient’s name and address: The name and address of the individual or organization that will receive the letter.
  • Subject line: A brief and clear statement of the purpose of the letter.
  • Salutation: A formal greeting to the recipient.
  • Body: The main content of the letter, which should include the information that the Department of Transportation wants to communicate.
  • Closing: A formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”
  • Signature: The signature of the person who is sending the letter.


Here are two examples of surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan:

Contoh 1: Letter to Inform About Change in Bus Schedule

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to inform you that there will be a change in the bus schedule starting from next week. The new schedule will be as follows:

  • Monday to Friday: 6:00 am to 10:00 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 7:00 am to 9:00 pm

This change is necessary to improve the efficiency of our bus service and to better serve our passengers. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and we hope that you will adjust your travel plans accordingly.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [contact information].


[Name and signature]

Contoh 2: Letter to Request Cooperation in Road Construction

Dear Residents,

We are writing to inform you that there will be road construction in your area starting from next week. The construction is necessary to improve the condition of the road and to ensure the safety of the drivers and pedestrians.

We kindly request your cooperation during the construction period. We ask that you avoid parking your vehicles on the street and that you follow the traffic signs and detours that will be put in place. We understand that this may cause inconvenience, but we assure you that we will work as quickly as possible to complete the construction.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [contact information].

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Name and signature]


  • Q: Who sends surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan?
  • A: The Department of Transportation sends this letter.
  • Q: Who receives surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan?
  • A: Individuals, businesses, and organizations that are directly or indirectly affected by the transportation issue receive this letter.
  • Q: What is the purpose of surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan?
  • A: The purpose of this letter is to inform the public about any transportation-related changes or events that are about to occur.
  • Q: What should be included in surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan?
  • A: This letter should include the letterhead, date, recipient’s name and address, subject line, salutation, body, closing, and signature.
  • Q: Is surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan always formal?
  • A: Yes, this letter is usually formal, but the language can be adjusted according to the target audience.


Surat pemberitahuan dinas perhubungan is an essential tool for the Department of Transportation to communicate with the public about transportation-related matters. By sending this letter, the department can ensure that the public is informed and can plan accordingly. Understanding the format, functions, purposes, and examples of this letter can help individuals, businesses, and organizations to be prepared for any changes or events related to transportation.