Hey, have you ever received a surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan from your apartment management or housing association? If you’re living in Indonesia, you probably have. But for those who haven’t, let me give you the lowdown on what it is and why it’s important.

Pengertian Surat Pemberitahuan Iuran Bulanan

Surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan is a monthly notification letter sent by apartment management or housing associations to their residents. The letter informs residents about the amount of money they have to pay for monthly maintenance fees, utility bills, and other expenses related to the upkeep of the property.

Fungsi dan Tujuan Surat Pemberitahuan Iuran Bulanan

The main function of surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan is to inform residents about their monthly obligations towards the property they are living in. It helps residents to plan their budget and avoid any late payment fees.

The primary goal of this letter is to maintain the property’s functionality and keep it in good condition. The management uses the money collected from the residents to pay for maintenance services, repair work, and other expenses related to the upkeep of the property.

Format of Surat Pemberitahuan Iuran Bulanan

The format of surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan varies from one apartment or housing association to another. However, the letter typically includes the following information:

  • The name of the apartment or housing association
  • The name of the resident
  • The amount of money due for that month
  • The payment deadline
  • The payment method
  • Any additional information or announcements

Contoh Surat Pemberitahuan Iuran Bulanan

Here are two examples of surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan:

Contoh 1:

Kepada seluruh penghuni Apartemen XYZ,

Kami ingin mengingatkan Anda bahwa iuran bulanan untuk bulan ini adalah sebesar Rp 1.500.000,-. Iuran ini mencakup biaya pemeliharaan, listrik, air, internet, dan biaya-biaya lainnya yang terkait dengan pengelolaan apartemen.

Anda diminta untuk membayar iuran ini paling lambat tanggal 15 setiap bulannya. Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran melalui transfer bank atau dengan membayar langsung ke kantor kami.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Salam Hormat,

Pengelola Apartemen XYZ

Contoh 2:

Kepada seluruh penghuni Perumahan ABC,

Kami ingin memberitahukan bahwa iuran bulanan untuk bulan ini adalah sebesar Rp 750.000,-. Iuran ini mencakup biaya pemeliharaan, keamanan, sampah, dan biaya-biaya lainnya yang terkait dengan pengelolaan perumahan.

Anda diminta untuk membayar iuran ini paling lambat tanggal 10 setiap bulannya. Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran melalui transfer bank atau dengan membayar langsung ke kantor kami.

Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya.

Salam Hormat,

Pengelola Perumahan ABC


Q: What happens if I don’t pay the monthly fee?

A: The management may charge you a late payment fee or take legal action against you.

Q: Can I pay the monthly fee in installments?

A: It depends on the policy of your apartment or housing association. Some may allow it, while others may not.

Q: Can I dispute the monthly fee?

A: Yes, you can. You should contact the management and provide a valid reason for disputing the fee.


Surat pemberitahuan iuran bulanan is an essential communication tool between apartment management/housing associations and their residents. It helps to maintain the property’s functionality and keep it in good condition. Therefore, it’s crucial for residents to pay their monthly fee on time and stay up-to-date with any announcements or changes related to the property they are living in.