Have you ever heard of surat pengesahan jawatan in English? This document is commonly used in Indonesia as a confirmation letter for an employee’s resignation or termination. If you are an employee or an employer, it’s important to understand what this document is, its purpose, format, and other details. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about surat pengesahan jawatan in English.

Pengertian (Definition) of Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

Surat pengesahan jawatan is a document that confirms an employee’s resignation or termination from a company. This document serves as proof that the employee has resigned or been terminated and that the employer has accepted their decision. In English, surat pengesahan jawatan can be translated into a confirmation letter of resignation or termination.

Fungsi (Function) of Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

The main function of surat pengesahan jawatan is to provide legal proof of an employee’s resignation or termination. It also serves as a formal notification to the company that the employee is leaving. When an employee resigns or is terminated, the company needs to ensure that all necessary procedures are followed, such as completing paperwork and transferring responsibilities. The surat pengesahan jawatan helps to ensure that these procedures are properly executed and documented.

Tujuan (Purpose) of Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

The main purpose of surat pengesahan jawatan is to protect both the employer and employee’s interests. For the employer, this document is essential for legal compliance and record-keeping purposes. For the employee, it serves as proof that they have resigned or been terminated and that their decision has been accepted by the company. Additionally, the document can be used as a reference for future employment opportunities.

Format of Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

The format of surat pengesahan jawatan in English may vary depending on the company’s policies and procedures. However, there are some common elements that should be included in the document:

  • Date of issuance
  • Name and address of the company
  • Name and address of the employee
  • Date of resignation or termination
  • Reason for resignation or termination
  • Effective date of resignation or termination
  • Confirmation of acceptance by the company
  • Name and signature of the authorized representative of the company

It’s important to ensure that the document is written in a clear and professional manner, using appropriate language and tone. The document should be printed on company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company.

Contoh (Examples) of Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

Here are two examples of surat pengesahan jawatan in English:

Example 1: Confirmation Letter of Resignation

Date: September 1, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that [Employee Name] has resigned from their position as [Position Title] at [Company Name], effective [Resignation Date]. The reason for resignation is [Reason for Resignation]. The company has accepted their resignation and wishes them success in their future endeavors.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Company Name]

Authorized Representative Signature: ____________________________

Example 2: Confirmation Letter of Termination

Date: September 1, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that [Employee Name] has been terminated from their position as [Position Title] at [Company Name], effective [Termination Date]. The reason for termination is [Reason for Termination]. The company has accepted their termination and wishes them success in their future endeavors.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Company Name]

Authorized Representative Signature: ____________________________

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About Surat Pengesahan Jawatan in English

What is the difference between a confirmation letter and a resignation letter?

A confirmation letter is written by the company to confirm an employee’s resignation or termination. A resignation letter is written by the employee to inform the company of their intention to resign. Both letters serve different purposes and should be handled separately.

Is a surat pengesahan jawatan required by law?

While there is no specific law that requires a surat pengesahan jawatan, it is commonly used by companies in Indonesia as a standard practice for legal compliance and record-keeping purposes.

Can the employee refuse to sign the surat pengesahan jawatan?

An employee can refuse to sign the document if they disagree with the contents or if they believe that their rights have been violated. However, it’s important to try to resolve any issues or concerns before refusing to sign.

Can the company refuse to issue a surat pengesahan jawatan?

The company should issue a surat pengesahan jawatan to confirm an employee’s resignation or termination. Refusing to issue the document can lead to legal complications and may affect the company’s reputation.

How long should a company keep a surat pengesahan jawatan on file?

Companies should keep the document on file for at least five years, as required by Indonesian law. However, it’s recommended to keep the document for a longer period for record-keeping purposes.

Can a surat pengesahan jawatan be used as a reference for future employment opportunities?

Yes, the document can be used as a reference for future employment opportunities, as it serves as proof that the employee has resigned or been terminated from their previous job.

Can a surat pengesahan jawatan be issued in English?

Yes, a surat pengesahan jawatan can be issued in English if the company requires it. However, it’s important to ensure that the translation is accurate and that the document complies with the company’s policies and procedures.

What should an employee do if they don’t receive a surat pengesahan jawatan?

If an employee doesn’t receive a surat pengesahan jawatan, they should contact their employer to inquire about the document. If the employer refuses to issue the document, the employee may seek legal advice to protect their rights.

Can a surat pengesahan jawatan be issued electronically?

Yes, a surat pengesahan jawatan can be issued electronically if the company has a policy that allows it. However, it’s important to ensure that the electronic document is secure and that it complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

Is a surat pengesahan jawatan the same as a SKCK?

No, a surat pengesahan jawatan is not the same as a SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian). A SKCK is a certificate issued by the Indonesian Police that certifies that an individual has no criminal record. A surat pengesahan jawatan, on the other hand, is a document issued by a company to confirm an employee’s resignation or termination.

What should be included in a surat pengesahan jawatan for a contract employee?

A surat pengesahan jawatan for a contract employee should include the same elements as a regular employee, such as the reason for resignation or termination and the effective date. Additionally, the document should specify the end date of the contract, as well as any other relevant details related to the contract agreement.

Can a surat pengesahan jawatan be used for visa purposes?

Yes, a surat pengesahan jawatan can be used for visa purposes, as it serves as proof of employment history and status. However, it’s important to ensure that the document meets the requirements of the visa application.

What should an employee do if they disagree with the contents of the surat pengesahan jawatan?

If an employee disagrees with the contents of the surat pengesahan jawatan, they should discuss the issue with their employer and try to resolve any misunderstandings or disputes. If the issue cannot be resolved, the employee may seek legal advice to protect their rights.

Can a surat pengesahan jawatan be used as evidence in court?

Yes, a surat pengesahan jawatan can be used as evidence in court if it is relevant to the case. However, the document should be authenticated and verified to ensure its authenticity and accuracy.

How long does it take to issue a surat pengesahan jawatan?

The time it takes to issue a surat pengesahan jawatan may vary