Retirement is a time when you can finally sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. It is a time to celebrate your achievements and look forward to new adventures. As a Malaysian employee, you have the option to retire early through a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan. In this article, we will discuss the meaning, function, purpose, format, and examples of this letter.

Pengertian: What is Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

A Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan is a letter of request for early retirement. As a Malaysian employee, you have the option to retire early after you have served your employer for a certain number of years. This letter serves as a formal request to your employer to allow you to retire early.

Fungsi: What is the Function of Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

The function of a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan is to request for early retirement. By submitting this letter, you are informing your employer that you intend to retire early and that you are requesting their approval. This letter is also a way to initiate the process of retirement and to ensure a smooth transition from work to retirement.

Tujuan: What is the Purpose of Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

The purpose of a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan is to allow employees to retire early. This option is available to employees who have served their employer for a certain number of years and who wish to retire early. The purpose of this letter is to inform the employer of the employee’s intention to retire early and to request their approval.

Format: How to Write a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

The format of a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan is as follows:

  1. Date: Write the date on the top left corner of the letter.
  2. Employer’s Name and Address: Write the name and address of your employer.
  3. Subject: Write “Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan” as the subject of the letter.
  4. Salutation: Begin the letter with “Salam Sejahtera” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.
  5. Introduction: Begin the letter by introducing yourself and stating your intention to retire early.
  6. Reasons: Provide reasons for your early retirement, such as health or family reasons.
  7. Duration: State the duration of your service to the company.
  8. Request: Request for approval of your early retirement and state your availability for any necessary procedures.
  9. Closing: End the letter with “Sekian, terima kasih” or “Thank you”.
  10. Name and Signature: Sign the letter and include your name and employee number.

Contoh: What are some Examples of Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

Example 1:

Tarikh : 1 Januari 2022

Alamat Majikan

Subjek: Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan

Salam Sejahtera,

Saya, Ahmad bin Ali, adalah seorang pekerja di syarikat ini selama 20 tahun. Saya ingin memohon persetujuan majikan untuk bersara awal.

Saya mengalami masalah kesihatan yang serius dan saya berasa bahawa saya tidak dapat melaksanakan tugas saya dengan baik lagi. Saya berharap majikan dapat memahami situasi saya dan memberikan persetujuan untuk bersara awal.

Saya telah berkhidmat untuk syarikat ini selama 20 tahun dan saya berterima kasih atas peluang yang diberikan oleh majikan. Saya akan sentiasa bersedia untuk melaksanakan sebarang tindakan yang diperlukan dalam proses bersara.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang Benar,

Ahmad bin Ali

No. Pekerja: 123456

Example 2:

Tarikh : 1 Januari 2022

Alamat Majikan

Subjek: Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan

Salam Sejahtera,

Saya, Nurul binti Abdullah, adalah seorang pekerja di syarikat ini selama 25 tahun. Saya ingin memohon persetujuan majikan untuk bersara awal.

Saya berasa bahawa saya telah mencapai semua matlamat saya dalam kerjaya saya dan saya ingin mengambil masa untuk menikmati kehidupan bersama keluarga saya. Saya berharap majikan dapat memahami keputusan saya dan memberikan persetujuan untuk bersara awal.

Saya telah berkhidmat untuk syarikat ini selama 25 tahun dan saya berterima kasih atas peluang yang diberikan oleh majikan. Saya akan sentiasa bersedia untuk melaksanakan sebarang tindakan yang diperlukan dalam proses bersara.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang Benar,

Nurul binti Abdullah

No. Pekerja: 123456

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I retire early?

Yes, you can retire early if you have served your employer for a certain number of years. You will need to submit a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan to request for early retirement.

2. How many years of service do I need to retire early?

The number of years of service required to retire early varies depending on your employer. You will need to check with your employer to find out the specific requirements.

3. Can my employer reject my request for early retirement?

Yes, your employer can reject your request for early retirement if they do not approve of your reasons or if they require your services for a longer period of time. It is important to discuss your plans with your employer before submitting the letter.

4. What should I do after submitting the Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

After submitting the letter, you should wait for your employer’s response. If your request is approved, you will need to complete any necessary procedures before officially retiring.

5. Can I change my mind after submitting the Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan?

Yes, you can change your mind after submitting the letter. However, you will need to discuss your decision with your employer and withdraw your request for early retirement.

Conclusion: Retiring Early with Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan

Retiring early can be a great way to enjoy the fruits of your hard work and spend time with loved ones. With a Surat Permohonan Bersara Pilihan, Malaysian employees have the option to retire early after serving their employer for a certain number of years. By following the format and guidelines provided in this article, you can submit a formal request for early retirement and begin the next chapter of your life.