Have you ever heard of a surat permohonan justice collaborator? This document plays a crucial role in the Indonesian legal system, particularly in cases that involve corruption or other serious crimes. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what this document is, its functions, and how to write one. We’ll also provide you with some examples and frequently asked questions to help you better understand the topic.

Pengertian: What is Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator?

Surat permohonan justice collaborator, also known as a plea bargain or cooperation agreement, is a legal document that is used in corruption cases or other serious crimes in Indonesia. The document is signed by a defendant who agrees to cooperate with the authorities in exchange for leniency or reduced sentence.

Under Indonesian law, the authorities can offer a plea bargain to a defendant who provides valuable information or evidence that can help convict other criminals or corrupt officials. The plea bargain may include a reduced sentence, immunity, or even complete exoneration from charges.

Fungsi: Functions of Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

The main function of surat permohonan justice collaborator is to encourage defendants to cooperate with the authorities in order to speed up the investigation process and obtain valuable information or evidence. This document helps the authorities to build a stronger case against other criminals or corrupt officials, and it also helps to deter future crimes by sending a message that cooperation with the authorities is rewarded.

Another function of surat permohonan justice collaborator is to reduce the workload of the courts and prosecutors. By encouraging defendants to cooperate, the authorities can avoid lengthy trials and appeals, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Tujuan: Objectives of Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

The main objective of surat permohonan justice collaborator is to fight corruption and other serious crimes by encouraging defendants to cooperate with the authorities. By providing valuable information or evidence, defendants can help the authorities to convict other criminals or corrupt officials, which can help to deter future crimes and improve the integrity of the legal system.

Another objective of surat permohonan justice collaborator is to promote fairness and justice in the legal system. The document allows defendants to receive leniency or reduced sentence in exchange for their cooperation, which can help to ensure that the punishment fits the crime.

Format: How to Write Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator?

Surat permohonan justice collaborator should be written in a formal and professional manner. The document should include the following information:

  1. The name and address of the defendant
  2. The name and address of the prosecutor or investigator
  3. The date and place of the agreement
  4. The specific charges or crimes that the defendant is accused of
  5. The terms of the plea bargain, including the extent of the defendant’s cooperation and the benefits that the defendant will receive
  6. The signature of the defendant and the prosecutor or investigator

It is important to note that surat permohonan justice collaborator is a legal document, and any false or misleading information can result in severe consequences, including criminal charges.

Contoh: Examples of Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

Here are two examples of surat permohonan justice collaborator:

Example 1:

Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

I, [Name of Defendant], hereby agree to cooperate with the authorities in the investigation of [Specific Charges or Crimes]. In exchange for my cooperation, I request leniency or reduced sentence as follows:

  1. Provide valuable information or evidence that can help to convict other criminals or corrupt officials
  2. Receive a reduced sentence of [Number] years in prison

I understand that my cooperation is voluntary, and any false or misleading information can result in criminal charges. I also understand that this agreement is binding, and any breach of this agreement can result in severe consequences.


[Name of Defendant]

[Date of Agreement]

Example 2:

Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

I, [Name of Defendant], hereby agree to cooperate with the authorities in the investigation of [Specific Charges or Crimes]. In exchange for my cooperation, I request immunity or complete exoneration from charges as follows:

  1. Provide valuable information or evidence that can help to convict other criminals or corrupt officials
  2. Receive immunity or complete exoneration from charges

I understand that my cooperation is voluntary, and any false or misleading information can result in criminal charges. I also understand that this agreement is binding, and any breach of this agreement can result in severe consequences.


[Name of Defendant]

[Date of Agreement]

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about Surat Permohonan Justice Collaborator

Q: Who can sign surat permohonan justice collaborator?

A: Surat permohonan justice collaborator can be signed by any defendant who is accused of corruption or other serious crimes.

Q: What are the benefits of surat permohonan justice collaborator?

A: The benefits of surat permohonan justice collaborator include reduced sentence, immunity, or complete exoneration from charges, depending on the extent of the defendant’s cooperation.

Q: Is surat permohonan justice collaborator legally binding?

A: Yes, surat permohonan justice collaborator is legally binding, and any breach of the agreement can result in severe consequences, including criminal charges.

Q: Can a defendant refuse to sign surat permohonan justice collaborator?

A: Yes, a defendant has the right to refuse to sign surat permohonan justice collaborator. However, refusing to cooperate with the authorities can result in a longer sentence and other legal consequences.


Surat permohonan justice collaborator plays a crucial role in the Indonesian legal system, particularly in cases that involve corruption or other serious crimes. This document encourages defendants to cooperate with the authorities in exchange for leniency or reduced sentence, and it helps to speed up the investigation process and obtain valuable information or evidence. It is important to write surat permohonan justice collaborator in a formal and professional manner, and any false or misleading information can result in severe consequences. By understanding the basics of surat permohonan justice collaborator, you can better protect your rights and interests in the legal system.