Assalamualaikum and greetings to all. Today, we will be talking about the formal letter of request for Hajj leave, also known as Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji. This letter is important for any Muslim employee who wishes to perform Hajj and needs time off work to do so. In this article, we will be discussing the pengertian, fungsi, tujuan, format, contoh (minimum 2 examples) & FAQs of this letter.


Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji is a formal letter written by an employee to their employer requesting time off work to perform Hajj, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This letter serves as a formal request for leave and is important for any Muslim employee who is planning to perform Hajj. The letter should be written in a polite and professional manner, following the standard format for formal letters.


The main function of Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji is to formally request time off work to perform Hajj. This letter serves as a formal request for leave and is important for any Muslim employee who is planning to perform Hajj. The letter should be written in a polite and professional manner, following the standard format for formal letters.


The main purpose of Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji is to request time off work to perform Hajj, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This letter is important for any Muslim employee who wishes to perform Hajj and needs time off work to do so. The letter should be written in a polite and professional manner, following the standard format for formal letters.


The format of Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji should follow the standard format for formal letters. It should include the following:

  1. Sender’s address: This should be the sender’s full name, address, and contact information.
  2. Date: The date the letter is being written
  3. Receiver’s address: This should be the employer’s full name, address, and contact information.
  4. Salutation: A polite greeting to the employer, such as “Dear Sir/Madam”.
  5. Body: The body of the letter should include the reason for the request, the dates of the requested leave, and any other relevant information.
  6. Closing: A polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”.
  7. Signature: The sender should sign the letter and include their name and contact information.


Here are two examples of Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji:

Contoh 1:


Tarikh: 1 Mac 2021



Permohonan Cuti Haji

Saya dengan ini merujuk kepada perkara di atas.

Saya ingin memohon cuti selama 30 hari bermula dari 1 Julai 2021 hingga 30 Julai 2021 untuk menunaikan ibadah haji di Mekah, Arab Saudi.

Saya berjanji untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab saya sebaik-baiknya dan akan kembali ke tempat kerja selepas tamat cuti. Saya juga akan menyediakan surat pengesahan dari pihak berkuasa bagi memastikan bahawa saya telah menunaikan ibadah haji dengan sempurna.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,

Ahmad Bin Ali

Contoh 2:


Tarikh: 1 Mac 2021



Permohonan Cuti Haji

Saya dengan ini merujuk kepada perkara di atas.

Saya ingin memohon cuti selama 60 hari bermula dari 1 Ogos 2021 hingga 30 September 2021 untuk menunaikan ibadah haji di Mekah, Arab Saudi. Saya juga ingin meminta cuti tanpa gaji selama tempoh tersebut.

Saya berjanji untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab saya sebaik-baiknya dan akan kembali ke tempat kerja selepas tamat cuti. Saya juga akan menyediakan surat pengesahan dari pihak berkuasa bagi memastikan bahawa saya telah menunaikan ibadah haji dengan sempurna.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,

Ahmad Bin Ali


Q: Apa itu Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji?

A: Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji adalah surat rasmi yang ditulis oleh pekerja kepada majikannya untuk memohon cuti bagi menunaikan ibadah haji.

Q: Mengapa Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji penting?

A: Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji penting kerana ia merupakan permohonan rasmi bagi memohon cuti bagi menunaikan ibadah haji.

Q: Apa yang perlu dimasukkan dalam Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji?

A: Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji perlu mengandungi alamat pengirim, tarikh, alamat penerima, salam pembuka, isi kandungan, salam penutup, tandatangan dan maklumat perhubungan pengirim.


Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji is an important letter for any Muslim employee who wishes to perform Hajj and needs time off work to do so. This letter serves as a formal request for leave and should be written in a polite and professional manner, following the standard format for formal letters. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in understanding the pengertian, fungsi, tujuan, format, contoh (minimum 2 examples) & FAQs of Surat Rasmi Permohonan Cuti Haji. Thank you for reading!