Have you heard of surat rekomendasi menteri? If you’re planning to apply for a scholarship, study abroad, or participate in a conference, you might need one. In this article, we’ll explain what it is, its functions, purposes, format, and examples. By the end of this article, you’ll understand what surat rekomendasi menteri is and how to write one.


Surat rekomendasi menteri is a letter of recommendation issued by a minister or a high-ranking official in the Indonesian government. It serves as a formal endorsement of an individual or an organization’s application for a particular purpose, such as a scholarship, study abroad program, or conference.


The primary function of surat rekomendasi menteri is to provide a professional recommendation that supports the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. It also serves as a confirmation of the applicant’s potential to succeed in their chosen field or program. Additionally, it can help the applicant to stand out from other candidates and increase their chances of being accepted.


The main purpose of surat rekomendasi menteri is to endorse the applicant’s application and provide a strong recommendation that highlights their qualifications and achievements. It also aims to establish the applicant’s credibility and potential to contribute to their chosen field or program. Furthermore, it can help to build a professional network and establish connections with government officials, organizations, and institutions.


The format of surat rekomendasi menteri typically follows a formal business letter format. It should include the following elements:

  1. Letterhead: This includes the official logo, name, and address of the issuing ministry or agency.
  2. Date: This is the date when the letter is issued.
  3. Recipient’s name and address: This includes the name and address of the recipient or the organization to whom the letter is addressed.
  4. Salutation: This is the opening greeting, such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern”.
  5. Introduction: This includes a brief introduction of the applicant and the purpose of the letter.
  6. Body: This is the main content of the letter, which should include a detailed recommendation that highlights the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and achievements.
  7. Closing: This includes the closing remarks and a statement of willingness to provide further assistance.
  8. Signature: This includes the signature of the issuing minister or high-ranking official and their official designation.


Here are two examples of surat rekomendasi menteri:

Contoh 1: Surat Rekomendasi Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

{Nama Penerima} {Jabatan} {Alamat} Kepada Yth. Pimpinan {Nama Institusi} {Alamat Institusi} Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami merekomendasikan {Nama Lengkap Penerima} yang merupakan {jabatan/posisi} pada {nama institusi} untuk mengikuti {nama program/sertifikasi}, yang diselenggarakan oleh {nama penyelenggara} pada tanggal {tanggal}. {Nama Lengkap Penerima} merupakan seorang yang berdedikasi pada bidangnya dengan menguasai {kemampuan/keterampilan} serta memiliki pengalaman dalam {pengalaman terkait}. Melalui program ini, kami yakin {Nama Lengkap Penerima} akan mendapatkan {manfaat program} serta meningkatkan kemampuan yang dimiliki dalam {bidang}. Demikian surat rekomendasi ini kami sampaikan, terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Hormat kami, {Nama Menteri} {Jabatan} {Alamat}

Contoh 2: Surat Rekomendasi Menteri Riset dan Teknologi

{Nama Penerima} {Jabatan} {Alamat} Kepada Yth. Panitia Seleksi {Nama Institusi} {Alamat Institusi} Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami merekomendasikan {Nama Lengkap Penerima} yang merupakan {jabatan/posisi} pada {nama institusi} untuk mengikuti {nama program/pelatihan}, yang diselenggarakan oleh {nama penyelenggara} pada tanggal {tanggal}. {Nama Lengkap Penerima} merupakan seorang yang ahli di bidangnya dengan {pengalaman terkait}. Melalui program ini, kami yakin {Nama Lengkap Penerima} akan mendapatkan {manfaat program} serta meningkatkan kemampuan yang dimiliki dalam {bidang}. Demikian surat rekomendasi ini kami sampaikan, terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Hormat kami, {Nama Menteri} {Jabatan} {Alamat}


1. Who can issue a surat rekomendasi menteri?
A: A minister or a high-ranking official in the Indonesian government can issue a surat rekomendasi menteri.

2. What is the purpose of a surat rekomendasi menteri?
A: The purpose of a surat rekomendasi menteri is to endorse an individual or an organization’s application for a particular purpose, such as a scholarship, study abroad program, or conference.

3. What should be included in a surat rekomendasi menteri?
A: A surat rekomendasi menteri should include a formal letterhead, date, recipient’s name and address, salutation, introduction, body, closing, and signature of the issuing minister or high-ranking official.


Surat rekomendasi menteri is an essential document for individuals or organizations who want to apply for a scholarship, study abroad program, or conference. It provides a formal endorsement and recommendation from a minister or a high-ranking official in the Indonesian government. By understanding its functions, purposes, format, and examples, you can write a strong and effective surat rekomendasi menteri that can increase your chances of being accepted.