Quitting a job can be a difficult decision, but sometimes it’s necessary for personal or professional growth. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to leave your current job on good terms. One way to do that is by writing a resignation letter or “surat resign”. In this article, we’ll discuss the definition, purpose, format, and examples of a resignation letter in {language} language.

Pengertian (Definition)

Surat resign is a formal letter written by an employee to inform their employer that they are leaving their job. It’s a professional way of ending an employment contract and serves as a written record of the employee’s intention to resign. A resignation letter is an important document that can help maintain a positive relationship between the employee and employer.

Fungsi (Function)

A resignation letter serves several functions, including:

  • Notifying the employer of your intention to resign
  • Providing a formal notice period to allow the employer to find a replacement
  • Expressing gratitude to the employer for the job opportunity and experience gained
  • Maintaining a positive relationship with the employer and colleagues
  • Clarifying any outstanding issues, such as salary, benefits, or handover of responsibilities

Tujuan (Purpose)

The primary purpose of a resignation letter is to inform the employer of your decision to resign from your job. It’s important to give notice of your resignation to allow the employer enough time to find a replacement or make arrangements for the handover of your responsibilities. A resignation letter also serves as a formal record of your resignation, which can be used for future reference or to clarify any misunderstandings that may arise.


A resignation letter should be written in a formal tone and follow a standard format. Here’s a basic format for a resignation letter:

  1. Date: Start the letter by including the date of writing.
  2. Addressee: Address the letter to your immediate supervisor or manager.
  3. Salutation: Begin the letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Manager’s Name]”.
  4. Opening Paragraph: State your intention to resign and the date on which your resignation will take effect.
  5. Middle Paragraph(s): Express your gratitude for the job opportunity and mention any positive experiences or skills gained while working for the company. If there are any outstanding issues that need to be addressed, such as salary or benefits, this is the place to mention them.
  6. Closing Paragraph: End the letter by expressing your willingness to assist with the transition process and thanking the employer for their understanding.
  7. Closing: Close the letter with a formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”, followed by your signature and typed name.

Contoh (Examples)

Here are two examples of resignation letters in {language} language:

Example 1:

Tanggal: 1 Januari 2022

Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu [Nama Atasan Langsung]

Dengan hormat,

Saya, [Nama Anda], dengan ini mengajukan permohonan pengunduran diri sebagai [Jabatan Anda] di perusahaan ini. Saya berencana untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas dan tanggung jawab saya selama periode pemberitahuan, yang akan dimulai pada tanggal [Tanggal Mulai Pemberitahuan] dan berakhir pada tanggal [Tanggal Akhir Pemberitahuan].

Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan untuk bekerja di perusahaan ini selama [Lama Anda Bekerja]. Saya telah mendapatkan banyak pengalaman dan keterampilan selama bekerja di sini, yang akan sangat berguna bagi saya di masa depan.

Jika ada masalah atau pertanyaan yang perlu dijelaskan, saya sangat senang untuk membantu memudahkan proses transisi. Sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak atas pengalaman yang luar biasa dalam bekerja di perusahaan ini.

Hormat saya,

[Tanda Tangan Anda]

[Nama Anda]

Example 2:

Tanggal: 1 Januari 2022

Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu [Nama Atasan Langsung]

Dengan hormat,

Saya ingin memberitahu Anda bahwa saya akan mengundurkan diri dari [Jabatan Anda] di perusahaan ini. Pengunduran diri saya akan berlaku pada tanggal [Tanggal Pengunduran Diri].

Saya sangat menghargai kesempatan untuk bekerja di perusahaan ini selama [Lama Anda Bekerja], dan saya merasa terhormat telah bekerja bersama Anda dan tim Anda. Saya telah memperoleh banyak pengalaman berharga dan keterampilan yang akan saya gunakan di masa depan.

Jika ada hal yang perlu saya selesaikan sebelum saya meninggalkan perusahaan ini, mohon beritahu saya. Saya akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk membantu memudahkan proses transisi.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih atas kesempatan untuk bekerja di perusahaan ini. Saya berharap semoga perusahaan ini terus berkembang dan sukses di masa depan.

Hormat saya,

[Tanda Tangan Anda]

[Nama Anda]


1. How much notice should I give before resigning?

The notice period may vary depending on your employment contract, industry, and seniority level. Generally, it’s recommended to give at least two weeks’ notice before resigning. However, if you’re in a senior position or have a long tenure with the company, you may want to give more notice to allow for a smoother transition.

2. Do I need to give a reason for resigning?

No, you’re not required to give a reason for resigning in your resignation letter. However, if you have a good relationship with your employer and feel comfortable sharing the reason, you may want to do so as a courtesy.

3. Can I resign by email or text message?

No, it’s not recommended to resign by email or text message. A resignation letter should be a formal document that’s printed and signed by hand. However, if you work remotely or it’s not possible to meet your employer in person, you can send the resignation letter by email or mail.

4. What should I do after submitting my resignation letter?

After submitting your resignation letter, you should work with your employer to ensure a smooth transition. This may include completing any outstanding tasks, training your replacement, and providing a handover report. You should also tie up any loose ends, such as returning company property or settling any outstanding payments.

5. Can I rescind my resignation?

Yes, you can rescind your resignation if your employer agrees to it. However, it’s important to consider the impact on your relationship with your employer and colleagues before making a decision to rescind your resignation.


Writing a resignation letter can be a challenging task, but it’s an important part of leaving your job on good terms. By following the standard format and expressing your gratitude for the job opportunity, you can maintain a positive relationship with your employer and colleagues. Remember to give adequate notice and tie up any loose ends before leaving your job. Good luck with your future endeavors!